In Latin ‘ANIMA’ means soul. So animation is all about giving soul to a character or literally ‘to give life to’.
Walk, talk, sing, and dance… so you thought only humans ….and animals in animation films…could do it? Do you think MAYA and MAX are the only ways to create animation? Think again!
It’s time to get introduced to a whole new world of animation with sand, clay, paper, matchsticks, cloth and even vegetables!
Ever imagined a matchstick walking through a busy street?
Ever wondered what the fruits talk about when left alone in the refrigerator?
Ever put in a thought about what your nail polish bottle is up to when you are fast asleep at night?
At Arena Animation, Park Street alternate forms of animation are taking over:
Our students are learning how to create characters out of every innate object around them and literally breathing life into them.
Animation is FUN; it’s all about turning your stupid, crazy and mad feelings into reality…
Experiencing creativity the alternate way, the fun-way.
If you are interested in attending a Free Workshop on Alternate Forms of Animation all you have to do is log on to www.arenaparkstreet.com...