The incident - Around 350 Arena Park Street students and 25 of their teachers were held captive in Gyan Manch Auditorium this morning for three hours by a gentleman. He did not possess any ammunition except for a microphone. The anticlimax – the captives expressed a sincere desire to hold back their captor after the three hours of captivity.
The event – The second seminar of HAT-Tricks. The captor – Mr. Prosenjit Ganguly.
The animation students of Arena Animation - Park Street, were not prepar
As is become of Kolkata and reminiscent of the first IPL match of night Riders at the Eden, power failed when PJ started to speak. There were no presentations, no pens, no paper, no audio visuals with him but PJ continued enthralling the audience with his powerhouse “performance”, and not a single soul moved in the packed auditorium. He was a treat to listen to and to watch as he spoke, mimicked, acted, joked and pranced about the stage, making it his own in his signature style.
He introduced the students to the meaning, the process and the stages of animation development. He explained to them the importance of story, research, concept and the visualisation that goes behind making an animation film. He talked about why a rigger or a texture artist or even an animator needs to understand the story to enable them to do justice to the visualisation of the film maker. He explained that these components were the “actors” behind the “action” or the film.
PJ illustrated to his audience how passion as an ingredient can act as a catalyst in the process that translates ones thougts and ideas into the output of animation.
He implored them to cultivate a habit of continuous practice. Through his mimicry and caricature, he showed them importance of acting sense for creating any animation because sans the knowledge of moods and emotions, one can’t portray that feeling into any character. PJ’s dedication was being reflected through his body language and his assets (his “Desktop” and “Laptop” i.e. a couple of sketch books which he always carries).
The also drew examples from his life and his NID days, making the audience identify the profound values of the design process with utmost simplicity. His talk ranged from the simple differentiation between a story (to be read) and a screenplay (to be performed); from the primary lesson of the vitality of remaining a student for life, to the significant aspects of design-visualization and pre-production like ideation, story-telling, story-boarding and character design (The Actors) before taking the actual plunge of getting a film into the production stage (The Action).
Anecdotes from his student-life at NID brought alive a whole new perspective to the total process of learning and teaching animation. And it did raise a few questions in the teachers’ minds: are we being able to create that environment for our students where they can enjoy their education? Even if the answer to this be in the negative, the light at the end of the tunnel was visible too.
And even as he accepted a small token of appreciation from the spellbound audience, it was a unanimous feeling that it was actually he, who had left them the magnanimous gift of a new dream, a new passion, a new love and a new vision-that of transforming oneself from just a student or a teacher of animation to a film maker. At the end of the day, the audience walked out with the same camera they had walked in with - but with different eyes.
Ninety percent of the audience had come to hear a three-hour long lecture from the man whose abovementioned p
After the seminar, the Director of Arena Animation, Park Street Mr. Ramesh Ruia invited Mr. Ganguly to speak to the faculties of Arena Park Street in order to help them carry forward the process of Holistic Animation Training introduced by them and Mr. Ganguly did just that by advising the faculties on how to deliver their training for maximum impact.
“PJ’s suggestions and guidelines will be adopted and synced to our current training methodology and we hope to deliver true animators of the type required by the industry as soon as the students who have undergone training under this methodology start to graduate” said Mr. Ruia. He went on to wish that more PJ’s from the animation industry would come forward in this fashion to guide and help Arena Park Street in taking this process forward.
GUD MRNG Arena, i knw sunday is holiday & day 2 sleep till the noon, but i hv 2 go 2 my home & rite d moment i was just cheking my mail,i came through this beautiful snaps of wonderful moment with Mr.Prosenjit Ganguly. Really a amazing guy more energetic , more younger than us all, its reflecting 4rm his speech , 4rm his body language....... Sorry i hv 2 go bcoz i hv my train but i, on behalf of my batch ,my arena's frnd , would like to Thnax Our Center Head Mr. Ramesh Ruia to provide us opportunity to hear this wonderful Actor behind the Actions ....
It is amazing.Because one part of introducing a new concept is to tell the student and ourselves how they and we will benifit from learning the next subject because he did an excellent job of getting the students and myself to go to basic of concepts.Every single lecture that he covered during the time must have some merit or value for the students and also for myself.I have learned a lot from him.I have got the confidence from this type of seminer and make the student interested in the course methodology that they can still begin to phase out and day dream in the best of classes.
this seminar was very fine .
but prosenjit ganguly lacture and warkes was excelent .And her tropic was very importent ....
it was very fine . and her all lectur and tropic was importent and excelent....
i m so thankfull to arena to meet such a guy,and give more then usefull knowdge to build my career succesfully.speacily some point of Mr. Prasenjit Ganguly i can;t forget any movement.I also i m more trying to follow his point every seconds of my life. Thank you arena to provide us opportunity to hear this wonderful topic "ACTOR BEHIND THE ACTIONS".
i m so thankfull to arena to meet such a guy,and give more then usefull knowdge to build my career succesfully.speacily some point of Mr. Prasenjit Ganguly i can;t forget any movement.I also i m more trying to follow his point every seconds of my life. Thank you arena to provide us opportunity to hear this wonderful topic "ACTOR BEHIND THE ACTIONS".(i malso sorry for publish comment by my nick name BUMBA)
Thank Mr.Ruia for giving wonderful opportunity to meet such a great person.He is a sea of Knowledge in the world of Animation.I have gained much from him, which is going to help me throghout my career of animation.
His acting sense and mimicry is exellent and it helps to devolop us.
That was an amazing saminar.and Mr.Prosonjit Ganguly is an excellent person with lots of talent.His acting sence and mimicry is execellent.but if he showed few of his work samples with stoaryboarding, it would have been better fopr us to understand.And I would like to thank Arena Park Street for giving us this opportunity.
Firstly, a big thanks to our sir, Mr.R.Ruia for organising this seminar.It was one of the memorable day for all(students and professionals)as they have enriched theirselves more.Prosenjit Ganguly was a live example of energy, skill and dedication...and he beautifully explained the importance of both aspects like technical skill and conceptualization..In those three hours, each and every second we have come to know how passionately we have to work hard....Thnx
This is the one of best seminar which i everlast attended. and thank you to Arena animation for a wonderful seminar.
1.The seminar was too good.
2.The arangement was good.
3.Mr Prosonjit Ganguly really very entertained us.
4.I learned somthing.
5.His talking attitude was good.
6.His suggestions were respectable.
7.I learned How to work in an industry.
At first i thank 2 our head Rmesh kr ruia 2 give us such a wonderful oppounity to meet an awesome person like Prosenjit Ganguly.He is a very energetic,nd he is a good actor also.this is my 1st seminer that I attened.I am very charged up by attending the seminer.
First of all i want to thanks our faculties and Mr.R. Ruia for organising this amazing seminer and giving us a opportunity to meet such amazing person. he just show us how we can focus on our work and talent properly. if i can get a chance i will meet him again.
hi!friends i am supposed 2 comment on Mr.prosenjit Ganguly's seminar let me tell u the experience was really amazing ,he is an absolute genious with great energy n enthu.i would like 2 thank Mr.R.Ruia who have given us this opportunity 2 interact with, very best of luck 2 Mr Ganguly 4 his future endevours n keep enlighting others .thank you. hope 2 cu again.
In a sigle word "Amaging". It will help not only those are preparing themself as an animator but also those wanted build their career in different field.
That was really Amazing.
It is an amazing programme, that explore our mind into a new world of animation and creativity.thanks ARENA for helding this type of programme.
That was really excellent program.
hi! to arena. the saminer on 12th july was just wonderful. and mr. Prosenjit Ganguly is a great humen. i learnt alot from this saminer. before the saminer i just love animation, but after spending time with Mr. Prosenjit Ganguly, animation is become life for me. now it is more easy to understand, the word animation.
i wish we could see some work of him, then it was sone pe suhaga for us.
that's all from me
sudipto sarkar
Firstly i want to thanks Mr.Prosenjit Ganguly for giving such a nice seminar and also i want to thank Mr.R Ruia for arrange the helpful serminar. i think it will be very helpful for our future.
I have first time attend any seminar, and experience is amazing, also Prosenjit Ganguly is a good charecter.
The seminar was amazing and intereacting with Mr.Ganguly was very interesting.
very much entertaining and interesting! Mr.Ganguly was amazing.
I am ecourage by Mr. Prosenjit Ganguly
very good
the seminar was vry much interesting and entertaining that i will never forget.i want to give thanks to our faculty to encaurage us to attend that seminar.
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